Believe In Yourself. Tomorrow Will Be Better.

Believe In Yourself. Tomorrow Will Be Better.

Many of us now suffer for various reasons. It can be a physical pain or emotional pain, pain that not even the best doctors, psychiatrists or priests can treat or ease. Each of us has a cross to carry that does not let us be at peace. It can be the loss of a family member, a disease that does not let us live, it can be a breakup or depression, social, work, financial or family problems. All the difficult moments in life we ​​go through, the power is inside us to find the way to the light. The way to get back to what we were. I know, it’s difficult and so many people talk about it and tell you that everything will be fine in the end. But until you find peace, there is a painful and long road, but I tell you it is difficult and will never be easy, but not impossible. I am talking about my own life experience. I am a realistic person and I always tell myself each problem has a solution.

Ramona Elena
3 min readApr 5, 2021


Losing a loved one is not an easy time to get over. The pain will never stop. But the loved ones who left us here in this world are at peace. They are with God in a better place, and they no longer feel the pain. From there they look at us and protect us, they will want us to be happy. They will want us to smile and look at the sky, and at that moment they will smile too. They shed every tear we shed. We know that they want us to continue living our lives and be happy. Therefore, get up, wipe away your tears and make them proud of who you are, who you will become. Plant a flower or a tree and dedicate your time in its care for them. Their memories will live forever, and no one will be able to take that from us.

Our body is our temple. If a disease does not allow us to continue our lives, we must overcome that negative energy and tell ourselves that we are strong. That we are not sick and that we will recover. Besides the help of professionals, we must have a positive thinking, have faith and pray. Pray for the divine power you believe in, God, he will help us get over it. We will heal. We just have to believe.

When pain comes from an emotional state, that pain is not like physical pain. It is a pain that you cannot calm down only through your inner strength and the power of the mind. Only you can deal with this pain. You can talk to anyone and listen to everyone, but the power is in you. Many of us have a purpose in life that makes us go on, but for those who do not, believe it or not, but you have. It is for you. For your own person, for your own life that God has given you, to love and live it to the fullest. Nothing comes easy and will not become easier, but we must stay and fight for ourselves and for the people who love us. Without us around them, they will feel the same pain that we felt when we lost one of our loved ones. Remember that pain, the feeling you had then and if you think you no longer want to live, then remember that moment. Those who love us now will feel the same pain we felt that day.

Therefore, get up and go on, no matter how difficult it is now, but it will be better or at least we will get used to how life will be and we hope that tomorrow will be better. Never give up on yourself. The power is in you. The hardest truth is that you are alone, and only you can change the way you live and feel. Courage, positive thinking, love, faith, this is what you need. Just get up and keep going. Believe in yourself: Tomorrow will be better!



Ramona Elena

I hope you enjoy my writing as much I enjoy writing them for you.