Your Wings Are Your Imagination

Ramona Elena
2 min readApr 6, 2021
Your Wings Are Your Imagination

What Keeps You From Not Falling

Your wings are your imagination. Just as birds have their wings, so we have our own spirit, our own enthusiasm. The hope that we can fly, that we can go beyond limits to achieve what we wish for or just simply to just keep going it’s what makes us dream of a better tomorrow.

I believe when God created us; he gave each one of us a purpose. We all are born to be someone, it’s just in yourself to find out who you are and what your role is on this earth, what is your purpose in life. I don’t know if it’s based on luck, fortune or instinct but some just can find it sooner than others. We will keep searching and trying different things, but one day I believe we will find our own path in life. Even if it’s one to become a greatest person, a personality, a mother, a father, or a simple person with a normal life a normal job, single or married, if that’s your choice and that’s what makes you happy then you should follow your path, what you believe it’s good for you. It’s just you who can decide what it’s best for you and how to live your life and no one else. Society, family members or relatives, they may congratulate you or they may say it’s a wrong choice, but is not they’re life you live. It’s yours and your only.

That’s why no matter where you are coming from, what nationality, gender or tradition, it’s you who decide what you want to be and what will make you live your life happily ever-after. Follow your dream, believe that when you were born you got your own star and it will shine one day. Don’t let no one tell you otherwise. Don’t let no one influence your decisions in life. It’s your life and your life only.

Reach to your star, fly even if you don’t have wings. Your wings are your imagination.

Fly until you reach your star. It’s there, and it’s shining, waiting for you.

The power is in you.



Ramona Elena

I hope you enjoy my writing as much I enjoy writing them for you.